“It’s quite likely that chronic nutritional vitamin D deficiency puts all of us at risk for developing debilitating, long‐latency, chronic diseases. Diseases such as insulin‐resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and autoimmune diseases.” – Dr. Carol Wagner Medical University of South Carolina

Winter seems to keep poking it’s head out to see us and  sunlight isn’t a full-time guarantee. Are you getting enough sun-to-skin exposure?

The truth is, even in the Summer months, stepping out into the pool, lake, or backyard for a day out in the sun often isn’t enough. Your body’s optimal Vitamin D levels require exposures that, for nearly all of us, is unattainable.

Most of the time, even in the best outdoor activities, clothes block crucial sun rays from absorbing into most skin areas on the body. Ideally, we’d be soaking in the sun fully exposed in order to absorb all of the Vitamin D benefit available.

If you have bone loss or osteoporosis, spend 20 minutes daily in the sunshine with 40% of your skin surface exposed. Morning sun is best; Don’t allow your skin to burn. Tanning Beds do not provide Vitamin D3.

This ideal is just that, ideal. Nearly all of us aren’t getting enough Vitamin D. What can a person do to be sure they’re getting enough Vitamin D, especially now that Summer is waning, and Winter isn’t far off?

Plants wither and die without the sun. This is a natural proof of the power of sunlight’s power over life as we know it. Our bodies are designed to absorb the rays of the sun, and to produce Vitamin D. This process affects many parts of human health, as we’ll soon see. Star Wellness wants to make sure you know if you’re getting enough Vitamin D in an easy, inexpensive and effective way.

Vitamin D – It’s a Big Deal When It Comes to Human Health

Vitamin D3 is both a vitamin and a hormone. It acts as a vitamin when it binds with calcium for proper absorption. Humans cannot digest calcium without adequate amounts of Vitamin D3.

Did you know that vitamin D3 deficiency can result in Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Depression, Psoriasis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Kidney Stones, Osteoporosis, & Neuro‐Degenerative disease including Alzheimer’s Disease.

Eventually, Vitamin D deficiency may even lead to Cancer (especially breast, prostate, and colon cancers). Vitamin D3 is believed to play a role in controlling the immune system (possibly reducing the risk of cancer and autoimmune diseases), increasing neuromuscular function and decreasing falls, improving mood, protecting the brain against toxic chemicals, and potentially reducing pain.

The bottom line, Vitamin D is crucial for health.

Common Vitamin D Methods Fall Far Short

Grocery stores today are full of many food options that offer Vitamin D. It means they’ve been supplemented with Vitamin D. The problem with supplementation is it doesn’t actually result in an overall increase in Vitamin D levels. This is likely because food and supplement manufacturers rely on an inexpensive form of synthetic Vitamin D called “ergocalciferol”‐ a form of Vitamin D2.

The most common reasons for Vitamin D3 deficiency in the United States are:

  1. Lack of exposure to sunlight
  2. Infrequent consumption of cold-water fish, such as Wild Salmon, Mackerel & Sardines. (Source)

Recommended Foods

The best way to increase Vitamin D levels naturally is to eat these foods, each are rich in Vitamin D3, including:

  • Cod Liver Oil
  • Fortified Milk
  • Wild Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Egg Yolks
  • Beef Liver

Recommended Supplements

If you take Vitamin D supplements, The Vitamin D Council recommends Vitamin D3 and not D2. Take Vitamin D3 supplements with food. Depending on lab levels, Vitamin D3 2000iu‐5000iu/ day is usually recommended.

What To Do Next

The first step to take is to get a a standard blood chemistry panel. This will provide your doctor with your exact Vitamin D3 levels. The test is called Vitamin D, 25‐Hydroxy. The existing guidelines state that a deficiency is anything below 50nmol/l, but recent studies show that 80 nmol/l is needed to keep healthy bones and enable vitamin D to perform its other roles in the body.

The Vitamin D, 25‐Hydroxy is a simple blood test. No fasting or special preparation is required. Confidential results are usually sent directly to you within 48 hours. As with all test results, Star Wellness® recommends that you make a copy for your physician to become a part of your permanent medical history.

And with 1,700+ LabCorp locations, Star Access is a convenient and affordable solution to an avoidable problem! Let Star Access shed some light on your Vitamin D levels.