In Honor of Men’s Health Week and Father’s Day, here are a few tips for men and their loved ones to be aware of when it comes to keeping an eye out for potential health problems.

There really is no better time than the present to learn and look for the warning signs that can help prevent some of the potential health problems that men can face on a daily basis.

Early detection can often mean the difference between life and death since almost all serious health problems can be prevented if caught early enough. It is essential to know what warning signs to look for and be able to take the appropriate steps to deal with them when necessary.

Star Wellness provides state-of-the-art employee health screening for more than 200 companies and organizations nationwide and as a result, we know firsthand that an ounce of prevention truly is worth a pound of cure. Following are six of the leading causes of death and the warning signs that men should never ignore:


Never ignore chest pains (or blame indigestion or a pulled muscle). Even when experiencing chest pain, men are often hesitant to seek medical care. But those first signs of a heart attack should be taken seriously because one-third of all heart attacks result in instant death. Impotence is also another sign of cardiovascular distress. Although embarrassing to admit, this information should be shared with a medical professional.


Nighttime urination – getting up more than once during the night to go to the bathroom, or feeling like you can’t fully empty your bladder can be a sign of prostate problems. Men over 40 should have a PSA blood test and digital prostate exam annually.

Blood in urine or stool – blood in the urine can be a sign of kidney stones. Blood in the stool can signal colon cancer or a precancerous polyp for men over 50.

Swollen lymph nodes in armpits or neck – swollen or sore lymph nodes are a sign of an infection. If lymph nodes are swollen for more than a week, they should be examined by a physician.


A chronic cough that that won’t go away or coughing up blood may warrant a chest X-ray to rule out pneumonia or cancer.


Sudden numbness, a sudden headache, or vision problems are classic signs. Ischemic strokes are caused by blocked blood flow to the brain. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs with bleeding inside the brain (aneurysm). Immediate medical care is vital to survival.


While a beer belly is common, it is a major cause for concern. Excess abdominal fat has been linked to an increase risk of diabetes and heart disease, as well as low testosterone.


Prolonged depression can have deadly consequences. Feeling down in the dumps for longer than a couple of weeks can be a warning sign.

In many ways it may seem like these warning signs are so obvious that they would be impossible to ignore but with Star Wellness’ screening program, we constantly see cases where a man has disregarded one or more of these signs and is on the edge of facing a more serious problem. With Men’s Health week here and Father’s Day right around the corner, one of the greatest gifts a man can give himself and his family is his own good health. Remember the signs and don’t be afraid to take action.

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