The following is an e-mail I received this week. It was yet another reminder of why I love what we do.
Dear Johnette,
I had just completed my annual PAP exam ,where my doctor did not catch a softball size tumor. (No pun intended) My husband suggested we take advantage of the wellness testing and the discounted pricing (spouses were allowed to participate at their own expense). I remember being concerned that my bad cholesterol may be borderline high but was prepared to share with hubby that my good cholesterol was off the charts and with my historically low blood pressure and no daily medications, my doctors tell me I will outlive them all!
Then I received a call from Star Wellness….
They suggested I immediately call my gynecologist in that the number indicating ovarian cancer was greatly elevated. I saw my doctor and only 17 days after having my blood drawn I was in surgery! It turns out the CA125 test caught my cancer so early (very early stage 1) that we did not have to endure chemo therapy nor radiation. My CA125 will be tested quarterly for two years. So far it reads in the normal range.
My doctor is well known for treating ovarian cancer and he tells me he shares my story whenever appropriate. He also now has a different perspective in regards to the value of the CA125 test, knowing that false positives are common. He told me that his associates are also changing their perspectives on the value of the test in regards to early detection, in that they are experiencing more stories like ours. Within a week after surgery, on the morning news, there was a story about the medical industry changing their perspective on the value of the CA125. Obviously we concur.
Since our good news a number of our friends have themselves paid for the CA125 test. No false positives yet and no cancer. We hope you will continue to offer this as part of your program. We understand insurance is a business but perhaps they can add a few pennies onto the costs of those tests that are easily identified and invest in those that might, if found, give you a fighting chance.
I am grateful to my husband, to his company, and to Star Wellness for your service. Thank you!
When I read e-mails like this, I realize that we really are changing the way healthcare is delivered in this country. If you would like to play a part of this change, please contact us at 1-800-685-5572.
We have franchises available throughout the Southwest.