Heart Month Is Here

February is considered heart month. Not just because of a holiday that focuses on love, roses, valentine cards and heart candies. But because there is one organ in your body that needs your attention and awareness.

Out of the billions of people on the earth, every single person counts on their physical heart to function day in and day out. That one muscle allows them to engage life. Whether it be time with their kids at home or serving as a key team member at work, the heart plays a central role in making it all happen.

Attention Please

Some give their heart the attention it needs. Others do not.

80 million American adults have high blood pressure. That is around 33 percent of U.S. adults and is the leading cause of heart disease and stroke.

What is the leading cause of death?

Heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease accounts for more than 17.3 million deaths each year, making it 31 percent of global deaths.

What is the leading cause of disability?

Stroke. Someone in the U.S. has a stroke about once every 40 seconds, leaving many disabled in some way.

How important is the heart? The answer is obvious but does not always translate into our everyday living. Our heart needs our attention and it needs it often.

How can we start giving our heart the attention it needs?

The place to start is with a screening of the heart to accurately know what the next step should be. Star Wellness® has painless, non-invasive vascular ultrasound screenings that do just that.

Schedule a preventive screening with Star Wellness® today.

Join us as we continue our focus on heart health over the next several weeks.

Statistics via American Heart Association