From teenagers to baby boomers, we tend to think we’re invincible. Human nature tells us that we are resilient enough to overcome most things and, when we’re young, we usually are. But what’s often missed is that there’s no clear transition to the days when awareness can legitimately save our lives – or kill us. Health issues ever-lurk in the unknown as we age unless we’re proactive.

800,000 people have a stroke every year, and the numbers are growing. And it’s not only elderly who are experiencing stroke. Every year in the US, 120,000 women and 102,000 men (222,000 total) under the age of 45 suffer from a stroke!

“It won’t happen to me” isn’t a smart approach 

For example:

A stroke or “brain attack” occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery or a blood vessel breaks, interrupting blood flow to an area of the brain. When this happens, brain cells begin to die and brain damage occurs. The most common type of blockage is within the internal carotid artery, caused by the excessive accumulation of plaque in the artery walls. The common carotid artery extends up the side of the neck and divides into the internal carotid artery, which supplies the blood to the brain, and the external carotid artery, which supplies blood to the face and scalp.

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in America and the #1 cause of adult disability.

Every year in the United States 120,000 women and 102,000 men under the age of 45 suffer strokes!


According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of adult disability. About 800,000 people in the United States have a stroke each year and one American dies from a stroke every 4 minutes on average.

80% of strokes are preventable. That translates to 640,000 less strokes a year in the United States alone.

Early detection remains the best weapon against stroke and cardiovascular disease.

Your Best Plan of Action


Using the state-of-the-art SonoSite Turbo®, this screening is a painless, non-invasive ultrasound of your carotid arteries that checks for plaque formation. Carotid blockage accounts for 80% of all strokes, 50-75% of which could be prevented with screening and education.


The Aorta is the main artery (blood vessel) in your body. Coming out of the heart, the aorta travels down the center of the chest, into the abdomen and splits into the two arteries that supply blood to the legs. This screening is a quick and painless ultrasound of the abdominal area. The aorta should measure less than three centimeters in width. When the aorta measures greater than 3 cm, an aneurysm is suspected. An aortic aneurysm is a generalized enlargement or bulging in an area(s) of the aorta and is 85% fatal if not detected.


Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a condition similar to Coronary Artery Disease, where fatty deposits build up in the arteries restricting blood flow. Using Ultrasound Doppler, we measure the systolic pressure of the brachial artery in the upper arms and the ankle artery in the legs. The results are then calculated using a mathematical ratio to determine if there is any reduction in blood flow to the extremities.

Preventative Screenings give you a much bigger chance of avoiding a stroke all together. Protect your life and your quality of living.

Schedule a screening that could save your life.