At the beginning of this past year, predicted that an increase in wellness programs would be one of the workplace trends for 2014.
That prediction turned out to be right on target as recent reports indicate that as many as 90 percent of companies with more than 200 employees now have some sort of health program in place.
So what does this growing emphasis mean for 2015, especially as the Affordable Health Care Act hits with full force? Here are five key trends I believe we can expect to see in the coming year.
1. Transition from participation-based to outcome-based programs
No longer will participation levels be the measure of success for a wellness program. Results will rule in 2015 as companies increasingly focus on metrics in order to measure the impact of their programs. Providers not able to provide measurement tools will be replaced by those that can.
2. Focus on obesity
Obesity and related problems continue to be a growing problem in the U.S. and, as a result, look for employers to take a more aggressive role in addressing the issue.
3. Higher penalties for employees who smoke
Recent reports indicate that smokers now cost companies up to $5,800 per smoker per year in healthcare-related costs. As a result, smokers increasingly will find themselves on the outside looking in when it comes to hiring. And employers, as with obesity, will take a lead in providing programs to help employees quit the deadly habit.
4. Leveraging technology for wellness
As part of the focus on metrics, workout apps and other means to track everything from calories to cardio will increasingly become a part of corporate wellness programs, not to mention our daily life.
5. Healthier menu options and smaller portions at restaurants/fast food
The combination of government mandate and consumer demand is forcing the food industry to move toward healthier menu items. This will carry over into the corporate cafeteria, if it hasn’t already. Avoiding this trend will become increasingly difficult, which is a good thing for both employee and employer.
The bottom line is that employers understand that a healthy workforce is good for business, and look for them to increasingly take a leadership role in their employees’ wellness.
And once again, Star Wellness will be there to help our clients make 2015 a healthier and happier New Year.