We’ve all experienced it – the dreaded winter weight. Now that spring has arrived and the layers are coming off, you may suddenly realize that the warmer weather wardrobe is fitting a little too snug.

Not to worry – Star Wellness has your back. Here are a few tips that you can share with your employees to help them shed that pesky extra poundage by doing nothing more than enjoying the perks of springtime.


If you’re within reasonable walking distance of your workplace, ditch the keys and walk to work. Get up from your desk periodically and stretch your legs by taking a stroll around your office building.

You can burn more than 300 calories just by walking one mile. If this isn’t an option for a long commute, walk to run errands you would normally drive to. Or walk to lunch from your office.

Studies have shown that walking regularly greatly reduces the risks of numerous medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

After months of cold, dreary skies, this one shouldn’t be too tough. “Sunlight can prevent dips in serotonin, a mood-boosting brain chemical that is also partly responsible for feelings of fullness,” says Winter Blues author Norman E. Rosenthal, MD.

Instead of having lunch at your desk, why not take it outside? Not only will exposure to sunlight improve your overall mood and motivation, but – according to Dr. Rosenthal – it will also help alleviate your winter appetite.

Sports leagues seem to sprout up overnight when springtime arrives.

Join an adult league, start a team with your coworkers, or organize an outdoor fun day at the office. You can even start a pick-up game with your friends, or join one at a local park. Working out never feels like working out when you’re enjoying yourself.

As hiking and biking are becoming ever more popular activities among Americans, many cities and towns are taking note and creating exciting new trails. But you don’t have to stay in the city – many metropolises are within a few hours’ drive of breathtaking vistas and gorgeous trails, perfect for a day or weekend trip.

Discuss this with your coworkers as well. Chances are that not only will some of them want to join in, but they may also know some hidden gems that lie off the beaten path.

Dehydration is one nasty fellow. As the days heat up and the sun grows brighter, it is crucial to remember to drink as much water as you can. Not only will it ensure healthy organ and joint function during exercise, but it will actually speed up your metabolism, making those few extra pounds all the more easy to shed.

But don’t just drink it when you exercise – take advantage of your office’s water cooler. Not only will it keep you hydrated, but it will give you an excuse to get up from your desk and stretch your legs.
There are numerous ways to shed the winter weight. And while it may seem hard to do it when you sit at a desk for eight hours a day, there are tricks such as these that will help you work around that. All you need is a bit of drive and creativity.