Screenings That Could Save Your Life
While you lay comfortably on the massage table, our technicians will use ultrasound to painlessly check for plaque formation in the arteries. Plaque is the number one cause of heart disease, which is the number one killer worldwide. We routinely alert individuals to conditions they were completely unaware of! These screenings are life-saving indeed.
Screenings Available Onsite for Your Convenience
Carotid Arterial Screening
Using state-of-the-art SonoSite equipment, this screening is a painless, non-invasive ultrasound on your neck to check for plaque formation in the carotid arteries. Carotid blockage accounts for 80% of all strokes, 50-75% of which could be prevented with screening and education.
Abdominal Aorta Screening
The Aorta is the main artery (blood vessel) in your body. This screening is a quick and painless ultrasound of the abdominal area. The aorta should measure less than three centimeters in width. When the aorta measures greater than 3 cm, an aneurysm is suspected. An aortic aneurysm is a generalized enlargement or bulging in the aorta and is 85% fatal when ruptured if not detected early.
Ankle Brachial Index Screening (ABI)
Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a condition similar to Coronary Artery Disease, where fatty deposits build up in the arteries, restricting blood flow. Using Ultrasound Doppler, this screening measures the systolic pressure of the upper arms and ankles. The results are then calculated using a mathematical ratio to determine if there is any reduction in blood flow to the extremities.