Austin Programmer Benefits Beyond Personal Wellness

Justin is a middle-aged programmer from Austin, TX. His company started a new employee wellness program. At first, he wasn’t sure what this would mean. He was anxious about yet another corporate program – more red tape, more paperwork, more corporate memos.

As the month passed by, Justin found himself in a completely new state of mind. The company overseeing the program had been helpful – even saving him money on tests he’d otherwise be required to take. Tests often require a visit to the doctor to be administered, adding extra costs to the process.

The results of the program revealed Justin had high blood pressure. As a former high-school athlete, this had surprised him. Even though he had gained weight as an adult, going from 185 to 225 pounds, he still felt ok and thought he was fine. Now, thanks to the program, he knows exactly what he can do to improve.

The wellness program made him feel less stress about his health. Today, he knows his screening numbers. He’s no longer spending time at work researching his symptoms, time which should’ve been spent doing work. He’s no longer worried about unforeseen costs for basic testing. The screening was free since it was part of the company wellness initiative, and the process was easy.

The obvious benefits of corporate screenings are numerous. Star Wellness® saves lives every month by alerting people to health conditions they were unaware existed. The result is cost-savings to our customers and empowering knowledge for the individual.

There are intangible benefits to employee wellness. With a new employee wellness program, employers benefit from a more productive, engaged and thoughtful workforce.

1. Improved Productivity

Since Justin stopped worrying about his health at work, he’s spending more time on his work deliverables. He’s more positive about his health. And he’s found that since learning the results of his screening, he has a better outlook on his professional future. The employee wellness program reduced the likelihood of Presenteeism (employees present at work, but engaged in distracting health-related issues). A condition only recently identified as a large problem for many businesses. Health screenings help to alleviate the need to research health related issues while at work for many employees.

2. More Engagement

Knowledge empowers. Up-to-date health data provided to Justin helped him gain valuable information that he’s now using to make more proactive health decisions. And, Justin got the flu vaccine, something he’d been putting off. With advice from the program technicians, he now has metrics to target and improve cholesterol, blood pressure, BMI, and other important aspects to his health. Star Wellness can provide onsite immunizations for influenza (flu), TDAP, pneumonia, hepatitis, and meningitis. We also offer vitamin B12 and Lipotropic shots. He doesn’t think as much about his health while he’s at work. Today, he’s a more engaged employee.

3. Goodwill

Employees who benefit from corporate wellness programs tend to show more goodwill while at work. Justin’s experience gave him empowering knowledge and education he most likely wouldn’t have received in another company. It gave Justin a unique benefit for his job. He not only learned about his health, but was given helpful educational resources from which to set new health goals. Today, he appreciates his boss and the executives at his company for caring about his personal health. Employee wellness program participants get an easy to read and understandable wellness report mailed directly to their home, usually within 48-hours. Individual results are fully confidential and not shared with employers. A group of co-workers have joined Justin in a new health challenge: walking 10,000 steps every work day lunch. The entire office culture has been effected with the new sense of health direction and have even formed teams for a weight loss challenge.